This project combines expertise in post-quantum cryptography with expertise in quantum key distribution.
The project combines research teams from five institutions across several disciplines.
Rainer Steinwandt serves as NATO country Project Director (NPD) and leads the project team at The University of Alabama in Huntsville;
Visa Vallivaara serves as Partner country Project Director (PPD) and leads the project team at the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland;
María Isabel González Vasco serves as Co-Director for the partner in Spain and leads the project team at Universidad Carlos III;
Pavol Zajac serves as Co-Director for a partner in the Slovak Republic and leads the project team at the Slovak University of Technology;
Djeylan Aktas serves as Co-Director for a partner in the Slovak Republic and leads the project team at the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
Meet the team
Our team encompasses experienced established senior scientists as well as young researchers, with backgrounds ranging from cryptography to experimental physics.
Djeylan Aktas
Hayato Ando
Gilberto Borges
Roderick Davidson
Robert Everett
Tomáš Fabšič
Ondrej Gallo
Miles Gannett
Don Gregory
María Isabel González Vasco
Otokar Grošek
Kenneth Herren
Zachary Houtman
Viliam Hromada
Ella James
Anssi Lintulampi
Honorio Martín
Mari Muurman
Miguel Ángel Navarro Perez
Sara Nikula
Marta Portela
Peter Rapčan
Markus Rautell
Saeid Salari
Rainer Steinwandt
Bradley Taul
Tamara Tučková
Tomáš Vavro
Visa Vallivaara
Pavol Zajac